Liquid damage




If your iPhone has suffered liquid damage, this is the service you need. The £35 repair cost will include a thorough deep clean and disassembly of your iPhone with the use of a special solution in an ultrasonic bath to remove corrosion from the board. We will then reassemble the iPhone and contact you with our diagnosis, informing you of any parts that need replacing and the estimated cost of repair.

We have a good success rate with repairing liquid damaged iPhones but we cannot offer any warranty with these repairs, nor can we guarantee that this service will render your phone useable as the nature of water damage varies so greatly. Payment for this service is required in advance and is non-refundable.

(Prices are listed as a guide, if the repair to your device becomes more involved or expensive than originally quoted we will contact you before proceeding with any further work/ charging you for any additional services/parts).